All Category Articles

  1. Polyzou Iris
    Coexistence at the micro-scale. The case study of migrant entrepreneurship in the center of Athens, 2024|Mar
  2. Arapoglou Vassilis, Mantanika Regina, Spyrellis Stavros Nikiforos, Κourachanis Νikos
    Infrastructures of social integration and refugee settlement in Athens, 2024|Jan
  3. Papatzani Eva
    The geography of the ‘ESTIA’ accommodation program for asylum seekers in Athens, 2020|Mar
  4. Maloutas Thomas, Spyrellis Stavros Nikiforos
    Inequality and segregation in Athens: Maps and data, 2019|Dec
  5. Stavrianakis Stylianos
    Greeks returning from abroad, 2017|Sep
  6. Maloutas Thomas
    Intergenerational social mobility: Social inequality in the access of young people to education and occupation during the 2000s*, 2016|Feb
  7. Bourlessas Panagiotis
    Spatial proximity and social distances: vertical social differentiation in an appartment block of Athens, 2015|Dec
  8. Emmanuel Dimitris
    Social aspects of access to home ownership, 2015|Dec
  9. Maloutas Thomas, Spyrellis Stavros Nikiforos
    Vertical social segregation in Athenian apartment buildings, 2015|Dec
  10. Pillant Laurence
    Operation “Xenios Zeus”: A strategy for deterring immigration through detention, intimidation and violation of migrants’ rights, 2015|Dec
  11. Lafazani Olga, Vaiou Dina
    Kypseli and its Market: conflict and coexistence in the neighbourhoods of the city centre, 2015|Dec
  12. Daliou Sofia, Kandylis George, Sagia Alexandra
    A city under siege: Military urbanism in contemporary Athens, 2015|Dec
  13. Balampanidis Dimitris, Polyzou Iris
    Disrupting the trend to abandon the centre of Athens: migrants in housing and business activities, 2015|Dec
  14. Balampanidis Dimitris
    Access of immigrants to homeownership (2000-2010). Main patterns of "horizontal" and "vertical" ethnic residential segregation in the Municipality of Athens, 2015|Dec