- Gizelis Kostas | Culture, Quartiers
Notara street ballad, 2024|Sep
- Terzopoulou Miranda | Quartiers
Pangrati in the 50s, Elvis Presley and Anna from Petralona. Topoi and my topi , 2024|Jul
- Arampatzi Athina, Iliopoulou Eirini, Nalmpantis Stratos, Tzekou Eirini-Erifili | Social economy
Social innovation and urban development: tracing prospects and challenges in Athens, 2024|Jul
- Karampini Zoi, Micha Irini, Vallindra Eirini | Education, Quartiers, Social Structure
Children's geographies in the neighbourhoods of Athens, 2024|Jul
- Polyzou Iris | Economy, Ethnic Groups, Social Structure
Coexistence at the micro-scale. The case study of migrant entrepreneurship in the center of Athens, 2024|Mar
- Potamianos Nikos | Culture, History, Quartiers
Carnival in Athens: centre and neighbourhoods, 1834-1944, 2024|Jan
- Toussi Evgenia | Built Environment, Planning, Quartiers
Initial planning and current situation of refugee housing and outdoor public spaces in the post-refugee urban settlement of Nikea in Attica, 2024|Jan
- Arapoglou Vassilis, Mantanika Regina, Spyrellis Stavros Nikiforos, Κourachanis Νikos | Ethnic Groups, Housing, Politics
Infrastructures of social integration and refugee settlement in Athens, 2024|Jan
- Dagkouli-Kyriakoglou Myrto | Housing, Social Structure
When you are granted a home, but you stay in the “closet”. Familism impact on LGBTQ+ housing pathway, 2023|Dec
- Kalfa Konstantina | Built Environment, Housing
Athens apartmentalized, 1955-1970, 2023|Dec
- Myofa Nikolina | History, Quartiers
Kallithea: The development of an exceptional settlement close to Athens, 2023|Sep
- Dillenseger Clément | Culture, Infrastructures, Planning
Stray cats between urban planning, heritagization and ecofeminism, 2023|Aug
- Bournova Eugenia, Gouzi Vincent | Economy, History
Going down Piraeus Street: the metamorphoses of a street, witness of industrial Greece, 2023|Jun
- Poulios Dimitris | Built Environment, Planning
Urban governance and spatial policies in Athens during a period of crisis (2009–2015): Attempts to reconstruct the city, institutional turning points and the role of Local Governments, 2023|Feb
- Stoyannidis Yannis | Health, History
Dragging the 'lost' city of tuberculosis through the archives. The sanatoria of Penteli or what can we get out of the history of hospitals., 2022|Sep
- Poulios Dimitris | Planning, Politics
The Incomplete Reform: Regulating space in Metapolitefsi Athens 1978–1985, 2022|Sep
- Maloutas Thomas, Spyrellis Stavros Nikiforos | Built Environment, Economy
The social profile of the city's waterfront and the real estate market, 2022|Aug
- Balaoura Olga | Built Environment, Economy, Quartiers
The geography of manufacturing activity in Athens during the crisis, 2022|Jun
- Maloutas Thomas | Quartiers, Social Structure
Maroussi. The evolution of its social and demographic profile in recent decades, 2022|Mar
- Burgi Noëlle, Kyramargiou Eleni | Economy, Politics
Regulating the poor. The Greek Guaranteed Minimum Income, 2021|Nov
- Gizelis Kostas | Quartiers
A small street in Patissia: memories of people and buildings in Kondou street, 2021|Nov
- Lialios Giorgos | Economy, Housing, Quartiers
Property transformations in the centre of Athens during the economic crisis years (2009-2018). The case of Exarcheia., 2021|Sep
- Arapoglou Vassilis, Karadimitriou Nikos, Maloutas Thomas, Sayas John | Economy, Quartiers, Social Structure
Deprivation areas in Attica, 2021|Jun
- Myofa Nikolina | Built Environment, History, Housing, Planning, Politics, Quartiers
Social housing estates in Athens, 2021|May
- Sarantopoulou Evangelia | Housing, Quartiers, Social Structure
Heterotopia Dourgouti: The spatial and social change of a place from the Asia Minor catastrophe to modern immigration, 2021|Jan
- Marougkas Konstantinos | Economy, Quartiers, Social Structure
The evolution of land uses and population in Psyrri district, 2020|Aug
- Bournova Eugenia | Health, History
The Spanish Flu in Athens, 2020|May
- Dimitropoulos Giorgos | History, Quartiers, Social Structure
Koukaki through the eyes of seven residents: A Place of Residence and Transit, 2020|Apr
- Myofa Nikolina | Housing, Quartiers
Neighbourhood of social housing estates in Tavros, 2020|Apr
- Tzanetatos Dionysis | Infrastructures, Transports
Athens: electric scooters, a critical approach, 2020|Mar
- Papatzani Eva | Ethnic Groups, Housing, Planning
The geography of the ‘ESTIA’ accommodation program for asylum seekers in Athens, 2020|Mar
- Georgikopoulos Ioannis | Culture, History, Quartiers
Renewing architectural memory: the historic buildings of Neo Faliro, 2020|Jan
- Maloutas Thomas, Spyrellis Stavros Nikiforos | Built Environment, Economy, Education, Ethnic Groups, Housing, Quartiers, Social Structure
Inequality and segregation in Athens: Maps and data, 2019|Dec
- Christoforaki Katerina, Kyramargiou Eleni, Prentou Polina | Built Environment, Housing, Social Structure
Social and spatial atlas of Refugee Piraeus, 2019|Oct
- Karidis Dimitris | History, Planning, Social Structure
An alternative approach to the 1833 plan of Athens, 2019|Jun
- Kyrimis Konstantinos | History, Infrastructures
Athens’ air-raid shelters 1936-40, 2019|Jun
- Κourachanis Νikos | Housing, Social economy
Social Policy and Homelessness Services in Athens, 2019|Mar
- Doukissas Leonidas, Kalogirou Stamatis, Karageorgi Athanasia | Health
Spatiotemporal evolution of Primary School Absenteeism during the Pandemic A(H1N1) pdm09 in 2009 - 2010. The case of Attica, 2019|Feb
- Andriopoulos Themis | Culture, History, Quartiers
The street as a character in the narrative of a city: the case of Vasilissis Sofias Avenue, 2019|Jan
- Koutoumanou Anastasia | Built Environment, Housing, Social Structure
Recording the use and ownership patterns of apartments in the Athenian apartment block (polykatoikia), 2018|Dec
- Bournova Eugenia, Stoyannidis Yannis | History, Quartiers
Gazochori: The History of a Neighbourhood (1857–1980), 2018|Dec
- Faka Antigoni, Skordili Sofia | Economy, Quartiers, Social economy
The impact of the crisis on food retailing in Athens, 2018|Aug
- Christoforaki Katerina | Built Environment, Economy, Housing
The spatial and social footprint of the energy saving program “Eksikonomisi Kat’ Oikοn”, 2018|May
- Chalkias Christos, Kalogeropoulos Kleomenis, Tsatsaris Andreas | Built Environment, Infrastructures, Quartiers
The study of urban sprawl through historical maps - The case of Petroupolis, 2018|Feb
- Pazarzi Iliana, Tsangaris Michael | Culture, Quartiers
Alternative forms of expression on the city’s walls in times of crisis, 2018|Jan
- Kaminari Melinna | Culture, History
Tracing Liminalities: In the Limits of the Archaeological Sites of Athens, 2017|Dec
- Potamianos Nikos | History, Social Structure
Cosmopolitan Athens: the communities of Western Europeans in Athens in the 19th century, 2017|Dec
- Sotiriou Dimitris | Culture, Health, Planning
Asclepieion Athens Park: A proposal, 2017|Nov
- Potamianos Nikos | Economy, History, Social Structure
Locating retail commerce and craft industry in Athens 1830-1925, 2017|Nov
- Stavrianakis Stylianos | Ethnic Groups, Social Structure
Greeks returning from abroad, 2017|Sep
- Vergou Pinelopi | Education, Quartiers, Social Structure
Residential Segregation, Education and the City: Educational Strategies of Middle Class Groups in West Attica, 2017|Jul
- Triantis Loukas | History, Planning, Politics
The spatial planning framework for Athens City Centre. Aspects of strategic and normative planning, 2017|Jun
- Sakellariou Alexandros | Culture, Quartiers
Religion in the city: Religious diversity in urban space, 2017|Jun
- Andriopoulos Themis | History, Quartiers
Brothels: houses which stood the test of time, 2017|May
- Leontidou Lila | History, Housing, Social Structure
Slums of Hope, 2017|Apr
- Pettas Dimitris | Politics, Quartiers
The production of space under conflict conditions, 2017|Feb
- Maloutas Thomas | Built Environment, Quartiers, Social Structure
Piraeus 1951-2011: demographic stagnation within a vibrant metropolis, 2017|Feb
- Kallivretakis Leonidas | Built Environment, History, Planning
Planning Athens in the 19th Century, 2016|Dec
- Kanellopoulou Dimitra | Built Environment, Infrastructures, Planning, Transports
Pedestrianization in the centre of Athens: A brief history and some questions, 2016|Dec
- Chatzikonstantinou Evangelia, Vatavali Fereniki | Built Environment, Politics, Social Structure
Mapping energy poverty in Athens during the crisis, 2016|Dec
- Myofa Nikolina, Papadias Evaggelos | Housing, Quartiers
The development in the neighborhood of Dourgouti since 1922, 2016|Nov
- Loverdou Eleni | Education, Infrastructures
The research web in Attica: a concise presentation, 2016|Oct
- Maloutas Thomas, Spyrellis Stavros Nikiforos | Built Environment, Economy, Housing
Vacant houses, 2016|Sep
- Maloutas Thomas | Education, Ethnic Groups, Social Structure
Intergenerational social mobility: Social inequality in the access of young people to education and occupation during the 2000s*, 2016|Feb
- Pantazis Panayotis, Psycharis Yannis | Social Structure
Residential segregation based on taxable income in the metropolitan area of Athens, 2016|Jan
- Maloutas Thomas | Education, Social Structure
The reproduction of inequality through education in the times of crisis, 2016|Jan
- Pavleas Sotiris | Economy, Planning, Politics
The "Smart Specialisation Strategy" in the Region of Attica, 2016|Jan
- Caftanzoglou Roxane | Quartiers
Ippokratous street, 2015|Dec
- Bourlessas Panagiotis | Built Environment, Ethnic Groups, Housing, Social Structure
Spatial proximity and social distances: vertical social differentiation in an appartment block of Athens, 2015|Dec
- Sapounakis Aris | Housing
The homeless: The increasing size of a vulnerable group, 2015|Dec
- Petrou Michalis | Quartiers, Social economy
"Let’s spend together". The "No Middlemen" citizen movement in the city, 2015|Dec
- Kavoulakos Karolos - Iosif | Built Environment, Politics
Public space and urban movements: scope, content and practices, 2015|Dec
- Karidis Dimitris | Built Environment, History, Social Structure
Athens: Urban social division during the transition from the city under Ottoman rule to the capital of Greece, 2015|Dec
- Georgikou Afroditi | Culture
Changing number and location of cinemas from 1950 to 2015, 2015|Dec
- Giannakopoulos Kostas | Built Environment, Politics, Quartiers
Metaxourgio / Keramikos and Gazi: Gentrification and multiculturalism in new residents’ discourse, 2015|Dec
- Markou Maria | Built Environment, Infrastructures, Planning
Renovation projects at Faliro Bay, 2015|Dec
- Belavilas Nikos, Prentou Polina | Economy, Quartiers
Abandoned buildings and vacant shops: The spatial pattern of the crisis, 2015|Dec
- Patatouka Elena | Economy, Housing
Access to owner-occupied housing through mortgage lending, 1990-2013: Loan-holders’ housing mobility towards the suburbs and exclusion from mortgages in the city centre, 2015|Dec
- Emmanuel Dimitris | Ethnic Groups, Housing, Social Structure
Social aspects of access to home ownership, 2015|Dec
- Maloutas Thomas, Spyrellis Stavros Nikiforos | Built Environment, Ethnic Groups, Housing, Social Structure
Vertical social segregation in Athenian apartment buildings, 2015|Dec
- Gritzas George, Kavoulakos Karolos - Iosif | Politics, Social economy
Alternative economic and political spaces: Facing the crisis or creating a new society?, 2015|Dec
- Chalkias Christos, Delladetsimas Pavlos – Marinos, Sapountzaki Kalliopi | Built Environment, Planning
Natural hazards and climate change risks in Athens, 2015|Dec
- Pillant Laurence | Ethnic Groups, Politics
Operation “Xenios Zeus”: A strategy for deterring immigration through detention, intimidation and violation of migrants’ rights, 2015|Dec
- Valassi Despina | Education
The social space of private education in Athens, 2015|Dec
- Kafantaris Fanis | Built Environment, History, Planning, Quartiers
Omonia square: from space to words, 2015|Dec
- Pantelidou Maloutas Maro | Politics
Youth and politics: Political attitudes of the young in Athens during the crisis, 2015|Dec
- Triantafyllopoulos Nikos | Built Environment, Economy, Housing, Politics
The building stock of central Athens, 2015|Dec
- Dedousis George, Dimitriou Maria (Melina), Georganos Stefanos, Kalafati Ioanna-Panayota, Kalogirou Stamatis | Health
Spatial inequalities regarding health in Attica, 2015|Dec
- Tournikiotis Panayotis | Built Environment, Planning
The revival of the centre of Athens along Panepistimiou Street, 2015|Dec
- Andriopoulos Themis | Built Environment, Culture, Quartiers
Omonia square as a limit and a narrator, 2015|Dec
- Frangoudaki Anna | Education
Education and social reproduction in post-war Greece, 2015|Dec
- Arampatzi Athina | Politics, Social economy
Contesting the Crisis: Cooperative/ Social Economy and Solidarity or Charity?, 2015|Dec
- Vlastos Thanos | Infrastructures, Planning, Transports
Public transport, 2015|Dec
- Anthopoulou Theodosia, Partalidou Maria | Quartiers, Social economy
"Agronauts" in the city. Vegetable baskets in the city’s neighbourhoods and Community Supported Agriculture, 2015|Dec
- Arapoglou Vassilis, Gounis Kostas | Housing, Politics
In the shadow of the welfare state crisis: Visible and invisible homelessness in Athens in 2013, 2015|Dec
- Anthopoulou Theodosia, Nikolaidou Sofia | Quartiers, Social economy
City growers: The Municipal urban vegetable garden of Maroussi, 2015|Dec
- Anthopoulou Theodosia, Kolokouris Orestis, Kousoulenti Chrysa | Quartiers, Social economy
Guerilla gardening in the city. The self-managed field of Elliniko, 2015|Dec
- Anthopoulou Theodosia | Quartiers, Social economy
The field in the city: Urban agriculture and producer-consumer solidarity networks in the neighbourhoods of Athens, 2015|Dec
- Lafazani Olga, Vaiou Dina | Ethnic Groups, History, Quartiers
Kypseli and its Market: conflict and coexistence in the neighbourhoods of the city centre, 2015|Dec
- Stathi Katerina | History
Athens in the Ottoman map of 1827, 2015|Dec
- Anthopoulou Theodosia | Quartiers, Social economy
"Agroscholoi" Vrilissou: the nature lovers and constant gardeners of the city, 2015|Dec
- Kaltsa Maria | Built Environment, Planning, Politics
Project Athens-Attica 2014, 2015|Dec
- Kaltsa Maria, Maloutas Thomas | Built Environment, Planning
The Project “Reactivate Athens - 101 ideas”. Athens in crisis and the social dimension of urban design, 2015|Dec
- Kaparos George, Skayannis Pantoleon | Built Environment, Infrastructures, Planning, Transports
Large infrastructure projects, 2015|Dec
- Chalkias Christos, Delladetsimas Pavlos – Marinos, Sapountzaki Kalliopi | Politics, Social Structure
Adjustments to the financial crisis: redistributing vulnerability and producing new long-term risks, 2015|Dec
- Deffner Alex – Michael, Karachalis Nicolas, Katsafadou Sotiria | Culture
The city’s museums, 2015|Dec
- Vlastos Thanos | Planning, Transports
Walking and Biking, 2015|Dec
- Kakepaki Manina | Politics
Members of Parliament in Attica, 1990-2012. Social and political characteristics, 2015|Dec
- Deffner Alex – Michael, Lalou Georgia, Psatha Eva | Culture
Theatres, 2015|Dec
- Hadjimichalis Costis | Economy, Politics
Seizing public land in Attica, 2015|Dec
- Daliou Sofia, Kandylis George, Sagia Alexandra | Ethnic Groups, Politics
A city under siege: Military urbanism in contemporary Athens, 2015|Dec
- Chorianopoulos Ioannis, Pagonis Thanos | Planning, Politics
The logic and practices of administration levels: Metropolitan governance, 2015|Dec
- Chlomoudis Constantinos | Economy, Infrastructures, Transports
The development of the Piraeus Port Authority and COSCO, 2015|Dec
- Balampanidis Dimitris, Polyzou Iris | Ethnic Groups, Housing, Quartiers, Social Structure
Disrupting the trend to abandon the centre of Athens: migrants in housing and business activities, 2015|Dec
- Caftanzoglou Roxane | Culture, Quartiers
Consuming images: Defending a place, 2015|Dec
- Pantelidou Maloutas Maro | Politics
Youth and politics: The political involvement of the young prior to the crisis, 2015|Dec
- Alexandri Georgia | Built Environment, Politics, Quartiers
Gentrification in the neighbourhoods of the Athenian centre, 2015|Dec
- Petrou Michalis | Quartiers, Social Structure
Street markets in the neighbourhoods of Athens, 2015|Dec
- Bournova Eugenia, Dimitropoulou Myrto | History, Social Structure
The capital’s social and professional stratification, 1860-1940, 2015|Dec
- Oikonomou Dimitris | Economy, Infrastructures, Politics
The international economic role of Athens, 2015|Dec
- Balampanidis Dimitris | Ethnic Groups, Housing, Social Structure
Access of immigrants to homeownership (2000-2010). Main patterns of "horizontal" and "vertical" ethnic residential segregation in the Municipality of Athens, 2015|Dec
- Vlastos Thanos | Infrastructures, Planning, Transports
Road works and traffic organisation, 2015|Dec
- Delladetsimas Pavlos – Marinos | Infrastructures, Planning, Politics
Olympic Games and Olympic Venues, 2015|Dec