L’équipe de travail
L’idée de cet Atlas a été élaborée par Thomas Maloutas, qui a profité des conditions favorables créées par la proposition de la Fondation Onassis de soutenir une telle entreprise, dans le cadre du programme Reactivate Athens.
Thomas Maloutas et Stavros Spyrellis se sont chargés de l’édition, le second prenant entre autres la responsabilité de la reproduction cartographique de presque tous les chapitres et de l’harmonisation du matériel d’accompagnement en général avec l’aide de Markos Kalofolias. Une aide importante a été apportée par Vassilis Papadopoulos (http://www.itis.gr/) qui a construit et configuré l’illustration du site internet. Les auteurs des entrées sont des chercheurs chevronnés ou plus jeunes, de spécialités différentes travaillant sur Athènes, dont beaucoup avaient déjà contribué à l’Atlas paru en 2000 (Atlas social et économique de la Grèce, Volume I : Les villes). Le but est que la liste des auteurs s’élargisse de façon notable dans un avenir proche.
Maintenant que le premier noyau de l’Atlas est mis en ligne, son agrandissement et son élargissement (appréciation et édition scientifique des nouvelles notices) sont pris en charge par un Comité de Rédaction plus vaste, composé de Vassilis Arapoglou, Dimitris Balampanidis, Nikos Karadimitriou, Iris Polyzou et Ion Sagias.
Thomas Maloutas
Professeur émérite au département de géographie de l’Université Harokopio. Directeur de l’Institut de sociologie urbaine et rurale au Centre national des recherches sociales (EKKE) (2001-2012), professeur au département de l’aménagement du territoire de l’Université de Thessalie (1995-2009) et Secrétaire général de recherche & technologie (2015-2016). Son travail porte sur le changement des structures sociales dans les régions métropolitaines et, spécialement, sur les processus de ségrégation et de gentrification en relation aux systèmes de logement et plus généralement de l’état providence. Ses recherches et publications portent surtout à l’Europe du sud et notamment à Athènes.
Stavros Spyrellis
Chercheur au Centre National de Recherches Sociales (EKKE) et membre associé de l’UMR Géographie-cités 8504 du CNRS. Il a travaillé autant qu’enseignant et chercheur au seins des Universités en France et en Greece. Graduate of the Department of Geography, University of the Aegean, with postgraduate studies at the Université Paris I. Sa thèse de doctorat intitulée Division sociale de l’espace métropolitain d’Athènes, facteurs économiques et enjeux scolaires, a été soutenue en 2013 (Université Paris 7 – Denis Diderot). Son travail, à la croisée de la géographie sociale, de la géographie urbaine, de l’analyse spatiale et de l’aménagement, vise, à travers l’exemple de la métropole athénienne, à interroger les dynamiques spatiales en milieu urbain dense au regard de l’évolution de la structure sociale, en intégrant les réseaux économiques de la ville et le statut socio-économique et éducatif ses habitants.
Comité de Rédaction
Vassilis Arapoglou
Professor in « Urban sociology, social inequalities and exclusion » at the department of Sociology of the University of Crete. Initially trained as an economist, M.Sc. in European social policy, and PhD in human geography, London School of Economics. He has been an associate of significant social research institutes in Greece and a visiting researcher at the European Institute Hellenic Observatory LSE and the OpenSpace Research Center of the Open University in the UK. His work focuses on the analysis of social inequalities, multiple deprivation, homelessness, residential segregation and the settlement of immigrants in urban centers and on comparative approaches to urban and social policies in Europe and the USA.
Ifigeneia Dimitrakou
Postdoctoral researcher in Social and Cultural Geography at the University of Zurich. Ph.D. in Urban Planning Design & Policies (Politecnico di Milano), MSc. in Urbanism (TU Delft), and in Architecture (AUTH). Her doctoral thesis examined the socio-spatial production of housing vacancy in post-crisis Athens focusing on the practices and everyday experience of these processes in the dense neighbourhoods of the city. Her research interests involve housing and dwelling, housing precarity and dispossession, housing and urban policies. She has worked in teaching and research at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies Politecnico di Milano and as an architect-urban planner in Berlin.
Dimitris Balampanidis
Received his PhD in Urban Social Geography from Harokopio University of Athens, holds an MSc in Urban and Regional Planning from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and a Diploma in Architecture from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). His research focuses on immigrants’ housing pathways and entrepreneurial activities, ethnic residential segregation and transcultural coexistence, as well as housing policies, urban and regional planning. He has conducted several research projects at the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE), the Urban Environment Laboratory (National Technical University of Athens), the research department UMR Géographies-Cités (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, CNRS) and the École Française d’Athènes (EfA).
Nikos Karadimitriou
Directs the MSc Urban Regeneration at the Bartlett School of Planning, UCL. His research interests include housing and property development in urban regeneration programmes, the relationship between social differentiations and the production of the built environment as well as the application of complexity theory in spatial regulation systems. His research has been funded by JPI Urban Europe and Horizon 2020, among others. He has published several peer-reviewed journal papers and a book titled Planning, Risk and Property Development.Urban Regeneration in England, France and the Netherlands (Routledge, 2013).
Nikolina Myofa
She holds a Ph.D. in the field of Social Geography from Harokopio University of Athens. Her research thesis concerns two exceptional Athenian neighbourhoods with social housing estates, Dourgouti and Tavros, and their socio-spatial development from 1922 until today. The aim is to investigate whether these two neighborhoods managed to maintain through the years some elements of their particular trajectory or whether these two neighbourhoods were eventually assimilated and became similar to their wider areas. Her research interests include social and urban geography with a focus on housing issues.
Iris Polyzou
PhD in urban sociology, Researcher at the French School of Athens, Section of Modern and Contemporary Studies. Her doctoral thesis, under joint international supervision by the School of Architecture NTUA and the Department of Geography, University of Poitiers, focused on the sociospatial settlement of migrants through the case study of the Chinese entrepreneurs in Metaxourgio area in Athens. Her current research investigates the geography of ethnic businesses in central Athens and Nicosia, Cyprus. She participates in research projects studying social transformations and commercial centralities in the city.
Dimitra Siatitsa
Post-doctoral researcher (Department of Sociology, University of Crete, IKY Scholarship) on youth housing conditions in Greece. Holds a PhD from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (NTUA), a master’s degree on Architecture and Urban Culture (FPC/UPC) and a diploma on Architecture (NTUA). Her work focuses on urban geography and housing, housing inequalities, public housing policies, alternative initiatives and social movements, with a special focus on Southern Europe. She has collaborated in European and greek research programmes and has worked in the field of social welfare at the Ministry of Labour. She is a member of research networks and groups.
John Sayas (†)
Our friend and colleague John Sayas passed away in July 2020. He was Professor at the School of Rural and Survey Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens and previously Researher at the Institute of Urban and Rural Sociology at the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) (1988-2004). He was also deputy Ombudsman for almost a decade (2011-2020) responsible for the section ‘Protection of the Environment and Quality of Life’. He has directed many research projects and published extensively on issues related to planning methodology, methods and techniques of spatial analysis, urban sprawl, social segregation, collective consumption, industrial and employment geography. He was among the pioneers of this social Atlas and has effectively contributed until the end as a member of the Editorial Board.
Les collaborateurs
Markos Kalofolias
Environmental Scientist of the University of the Aegean with postgraduate studies at the Department of Environmental Engineering of the Democritus University of Thrace, specializing in Energy Design of Buildings and Sustainable Development. He has a teaching experience as an adult educator at Second Chance School (SCS) and Vocational Training Institute (IEK) in the Environmental Education course. His research work focuses on spatial analysis, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), energy efficiency simulation of buildings and energy saving.
Nikos Klironomos
Graduate of the Department of Political Science and History of Panteion University at undergraduate and postgraduate level. He also studied at the Department of Informatics of the Athens University of Economics and Business. Collaborator of the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) and the Panteion University in various research projects and data manager in the SoDaNet RI. His research interests include the fields of Political and Electoral Sociology, Political Elites and Political Communication on issues mainly related to the study of Social Media, while he emphasizes on the field of Research Methodology, Social Data Science and especially on the modern methods of Big Data Analysis.
Marion Sbriglio
Après trois ans d’études en humanités et sciences sociales, elle a choisi de se spécialiser en géographie et suit actuellement la première année du master« Sciences sociales parcours Espaces » de l’Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon (France). Son premier mémoire et travail de recherche porte sur l’appropriation de la ville à travers l’étude des pratiques et lieux théâtraux à Athènes. Ses champs d’investigation relève de la géographie culturelle, sociale et urbaine avecun intérêt particulier pour les arts du spectacle.
Laura Bouillette
Second year Master student in internationals migrations at the Department of Geography in Poitiers, France. Holder of a bachelor’s degree in Geography from the University of Rouen, France. Her research interests focus on the living situations of homeless refugees in Greece and which solution they try to set up to avoid this situation (makeshift habitat, squat, governmental housing…) and how the interactions between different parties (governmental, association or society in general) have an impact on their daily lives
Charlotte Jorgensen
Suite à deux ans de prépa en spécialité mathématiques et physiques à Polytech Clermont-Ferrand, France, elle a étudié trois ans l’Aménagement et Environnement dans l’école d’ingénieurs Polytech à Tours, France, spécialisée en Réseaux et Systèmes de l’Environnement et des Aménagements Urbains. Elle a réalisé un semestre d’échange au département de géographie de l’Université Harokopio d’Athènes puis réalisé un stage au Centre National de Recherches Sociales (EKKE) dans le traitement et analyse de données sur les commerces étrangers d’Athènes.